Save Against Death

Save Against Death When I think of Dungeons and Dragons, I think of 1980 and my brother’s half-orc barbarian wading his way through the sinking palafitte of an undead magician as the rest of the party covered their retreat by cleverly using the portcullis traps against the skeletal guards in pursuit. I think of the…

RPG Satanic Panic

My second girlfriend was a Satanist. She was also a store assistant who looked after her critically ill parents at home, and had a cat. She had no interest in D&D, but a lot of my local clergy did. Here is an article from our local city newspaper, the Derby Evening Telegraph. I cut this…

A Delve into Dungeons Dark

My Personal History with RPGs I was born in 1965 and began playing RPG’s when I was 12-13, starting with basic D&D (blue book), followed almost immediately by AD&D which my parents bought me for Christmas; starting with the Monster Manual, then the Dungeon Masters Guide and finally I think I bought the Players Handbook…

Why the Song of the Susurrus?

I decided to call this blog the Song of the Susurrus in tribute to game designer Albie Fiore (1946 – 2009). I first noticed his work in White Dwarf magazine Issue 9 (Oct/Nov 1978) when I was 13 and just starting with D&D. In that issue is an adventure for first-level characters called The Lichway,…

Chainmail Supplement

Chainmail Supplements Sea Battles, Extra Fantasy Rules & the Pied Piper of Hamlin. These further options on Sea Battles and extra Fantasy rules were written by W. A. Rogers for Lowry’s Guidon #6, 1973 and include an interesting rule for Morgul blades and adds spell limitations. I haven’t been able to find out any details…